Patrice Renauld

Composer - Songwriter - Musician

Where music moves émotions

Enter my universe






Lao tseu, an old friend of mine, said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So I walk every single day. Like you.


And because, learning by doing is the best way to achievement, I do things every single day too. Like you.


When I create songs, music for films or when I write a piece of concert, my path is driven by emotions and passion. Like yours.


Because one’s destination is never a place but a new way to seeing things,  why not travel your world together.

My work

Short movies

  • L’après
  • Catch a lot (animation)
  • Moi et mon panda domestique (animation)
  • Piège à cons (animation)
  • Alice et le pays merveilleux (animation)

Concert pieces

  • Hero for a day (for symphonic orchestra)
  • Une nuit à Whitechapel (for string quartet)
  • Voyage au Congo (for string quartet)


If you liked what you listened to, let’s meet our universe. I’d love to hear from you. Contact me using the contact form below.